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US History Midterm Examination

Short Answer- Enter your answers in the box according to chapter numbers ( Example Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Etc.)


Chapter 1

1. Please describe Who the first humans were that reached America.

Chapter 2

2. How many African slaves were ther in North America by the 18th centur?
3. Discuss the beginnings of European Slavery.
4. What events happened in 1405-1433, 1492, 1498,1540, 1551, and 1585?

Chapter 3

5. What happened with the expansion of English holdings in North American and when did this event happen? 
6. Were were the Spanish?

Chapter 4

7. Please discuss the expansion of the colonial economy and society in 1700-1763.

Chapter 5

8. In an attempt to rein in the colonies, the British had a plan with three main goals. Please explain.

Chapter 6

9.What hapened during the Civil war? Explain the significance of the Civil War

10 How did the Civil war have an impact on Women?


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