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Career Education- Career Planning

Complete each statement.


According to Holland’s typology, the type of person who values material accomplishment and social status is ______________.



A good place to write your thoughts and feelings about your preferences and the things that interest you is in a(n) _____________________.



According to Holland’s code, IRS stands for ____________, Realistic, and Social.



A person can be impacted by negative beliefs of one’s own ethnic group even if he or she doesn’t agree with the negative beliefs. This concept is known as _____________



According to the MBTI® instrument, a person with a preference for _____________ will tend to “act before he or she thinks” and a person with a preference for ___________________ will tend to “think before he or she acts.”



Research shows that individuals who are _________________ motivated feel better regardless of whether they attain their goals.



A person who chooses a lower paying job with a fixed schedule so he or she can spend time with family over a more intense higher paying position values _____________.



When an organization tries to connect its social values to those of its customers and employees, it is meeting its _____________________.



The impression that others have of you is known as your _____________ and should be cultivated carefully.


Short Answer


Explain the concept of “self-assessment” as it relates to Career Development


Give an example of an area within the world of work that is evolving.


How does a “career” differ from a “job?”


Identify three skills that can be developed by participating in a college debate team.


Identify three skills that one can acquire by overcoming adversity, such as being raised in a gang-infested neighborhood and then going on to graduate from college.


The ability to synthesize and transmit ideas in both written and oral form describes which of the 4 C’s


What are the four steps for conducting research as outlined by this chapter?


List two online career resources for locating information about careers that match your skills

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