We Are A Global Educational Institution
School of Business dba A.S.B. Educational Institute is a
private not for profit school operating
since 2000.
We offer a
profile in education designed to
encourage students to become creative in a free style learning
environment. We help students graduate to higher levels of
skill attainment. We also and provide continuing education for
the adult learner and other professionals.
The classroom environment is equipped with the information technology and the material to provide students with on line instruction.
The on line platform, used in a
virtual environment, give students the opportunity to become
more independent thinkers
while attaining their realistic goals.
As instructors, our goal is to provide a quality educational service to those who are motivated to learn.
Recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education as a seondary education institution in accordance with 23 Illinois Administrative Code Part 425; Full Recognition staus since 2016.
Recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education as a Professional Development Provider.
Authorized by the Tennesseee State Board of Accountancy for Continuing Professional Education
We have added two new certications for continuing education for students who want to enter certain fields, after graduation. Please refer to "course descriptions" under the title of "continuing education".
In Recognition of Black History Month Please see Our Presentation " People of a Nation" Scroll Down to the bottom left of the classroom.